2 AT&T WorldNet Service\nAT&T WorldNet Service\nAT&T WorldNet Service Document 100 Address Book\nAddresses 221 AT&T WorldNet Service\nAT&T WorldNet Service\nAT&T WorldNet Service Document 224 AT&T WorldNet Service\nAT&T WorldNet Service\nAT&T WorldNet Service Document 225 AT&T WorldNet Service\nAT&T WorldNet Service\nAT&T WorldNet Service Document 294 View bookmarks in browser main window 296 Import a new bookmark file 513 Go to selected bookmark 590 AT&T WorldNet Service 591 Mozilla 592 http://home.netscape.com/ 593 yes 594 AT&T WorldNet Service 595 netscape.ini 596 no 597 7631 621 http://home.netscape.com/home/whats-new.html 622 http://home.netscape.com/home/whats-cool.html 623 http://home.netscape.com/eng/mozilla/2.01/handbook/ 624 http://home.netscape.com/home/internet-search.html 625 http://home.netscape.com/home/internet-directory.html 626 http://home.netscape.com/comprod/upgrades/index.html 631 What's New! 632 What's Cool! 633 Handbook 634 Net Search 635 Net Directory 636 Software 637 Internet Shortcut 1000 30 1001 30 1100 48 1101 48 6562 You have included the same document twice: first as a quoted\ndocument (meaning: with '>' at the beginning of each line), and\nthen as an attachment (meaning: as a second part of the message,\nincluded after your new text).\n\nSend it anyway? 6563 The message has not been edited, and there is no attachment.\nDo you really want to send an empty message? 6564 Not found. 6565 At least one of your mail folders is wasting a lot\nof disk space. If you compress your Mail folders now,\nyou can recover %ld Kbytes of disk space. Compressing\nfolders might take a while.\n\nCompress folders now? 6566 Error writing mail file! 6567 Error saving newsrc file! 6568 %.300s does not appear to be a mail file.\nAttempt to write it anyway? 6569 %.300s does not appear to be a mail file.\nAttempt to read it anyway? 6570 News Error!\nNews host responded: %.512s\n 6571 Message not cancelled. 6572 Unable to cancel message! 6573 This message does not appear to be from you.\nYou may only cancel your own posts, not those made by others. 6574 Are you sure you want to cancel this message? 6576 The return email address set in Preferences is: %s\n\nThis does not appear to be complete (it contains no `.' in the host name.)\nA valid email address will be of the form `USER@HOST', where USER is\nusually your login ID, and HOST is name of the machine. 6577 The return email address set in Preferences is: %s\n\nThis does not appear to be complete (it contains no `@' and host name.)\nA valid email address will be of the form `USER@HOST', where USER is\nusually your login ID, and HOST is the name of the machine. 6579 Your email address has not been specified.\nBefore sending mail or news messages, you must specify a\nreturn address in Mail and News Preferences. 6580 A newsrc file exists but is unparsable. 6581 The given message ID doesn't exist in the folder. 6582 Couldn't open temporary folder file for output. 6583 Folder summary file no longer exists? 6584 Folder no longer exists? 6585 Couldn't open FCC file 6586 Message cancelled. 6587 %d new newsgroups have been added to this server\nsince the last time you checked. They have been added\nto the end of the list. To subscribe to any of these\ngroups, click on their ``subscribed'' checkboxes. 6588 One new newsgroup has been added to this server\nsince the last time you checked; It has been added\nto the end of the list. To subscribe to this group,\nclick on the ``subscribed'' checkbox. 6589 No new newsgroups have been added to this server\nsince the last time you checked. 6590 No POP3 host has been specified in preferences. 6591 Couldn't create a mail folder directory. Mail will not work! 6592 Couldn't create default inbox folder! 6593 Can't delete a folder without first deleting the messages in it. 6594 Can't delete a folder without first deleting the messages in it. 6595 The folder already exists. 6596 Couldn't create the folder! 6597 Cannot copy messages into the `unsent drafts' folder:\nThat folder is only for holding messages which have\nhave not yet been queued delivery. 6598 Cannot copy messages into the `Outbox' folder:\nThat folder is only for holding messages which\nhave been deferred for later delivery. 6599 Can't move or copy messages to the folder they're already in. 6674 This copy of Netscape will expire at: %s.\nYou need to obtain a newer version of Netscape. 6675 Could not post the file: %.80s.\nFor reason:\n %.200s\n\nCheck the file permissions and try again. 6678 An error occurred while saving mail messages. 6679 There isn't enough room on the local disk to download\nyour mail from the POP3 server. Please make room and\ntry again. (The `Empty Trash' and `Compress This Folder'\ncommands may recover some space.) 6680 An error occurred while removing messages from the POP3 server.\nYou should contact the administrator for this server\nor try again later. 6681 An error occurred while getting messages from the POP3 server.\nYou should contact the administrator for this server\nor try again later. 6682 An error occurred while querying the POP3 server for\nthe last processed message.\nYou should contact the administrator for this server\nor try again later. 6683 An error occurred while listing messages on the POP3 server.\nYou should contact the administrator for this server\nor try again later. 6684 No new messages on server 6685 An error occurred while sending your password to the POP3 server.\nYou should contact the administrator for this server\nor try again later. 6686 An error occurred while sending your user name to the POP3 server.\nYou should contact the administrator for this server\nor try again later. 6687 Error getting POP3 password. 6688 The AT&T WorldNet Service is unable to use the POP3 server \nbecause you have not provided a username. Please provide\none in the preferences and try again 6689 An error occurred with the POP3 server.\nYou should contact the administrator for this server\nor try again later. 6691 The AT&T WorldNet Service was unble to connect to the secure\n news server because of a proxy error 6692 Communications exception (%d). 6693 No NNTP server is configured.\n\nCheck your News preferences and try again. 6694 The AT&T WorldNet Service could not find a News file (newsrc)\nand is creating one for you. 6695 A News error occurred. The scan of all newsgroups is incomplete.\n \nTry to View All Newsgroups again. 6696 A News (NNTP) error occurred:\n %.100s 6697 No WAIS proxy is configured.\n\nCheck your Proxy preferences and try again. 6698 This copy of Netscape has expired.\nYou may now only access FTP Locations and any Location (URL)\nin the netscape.com domain, such as those in your Directory menu.\n\nYou need to obtain a newer version of Netscape. 6699 This copy of Netscape has expired.\nYou may now only access FTP Locations and any Location (URL)\nin the netscape.com domain, such as those in your Directory menu.\n\nYou need to obtain a newer version of Netscape. 6719 A network error occurred:\n unable to connect to server\nThe server may be down or unreachable.\n\nTry connecting again later. 6720 Your signature exceeds the recommended 79 columns.\nFor most readers, the lines will appear truncated, or\nwill be wrapped unattractively. \n\nPlease edit it to keep the lines shorter than 80 characters. 6721 Your signature exceeds the recommended four lines. 6722 Printing stopped. A problem occurred while receiving\nthe document. Transmission may have been interrupted\nor there may be insufficient space to write the file.\n\nTry again. Check that space is available in the\ntemporary directory or restart the AT&T WorldNet Service Browser. 6725 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. 6731 Error writing temporary file. 6732 No subject was specified. 6733 No recipients were specified. 6734 No sender was specified. 6739 AT&T WorldNet Service currently can only process 3500\n articles in a newsgroup at a time. After reading these, revisit this\ngroup to get more articles. 6740 An authorization error occurred:\n\n%s\n\nPlease try entering your name and/or password again. 6747 AT&T WorldNet Service is unable to open the temporary file:\n %.200s\n\nCheck your `Temporary Directory' setting and try again. 6748 A network error occurred while the AT&T WorldNet Service\nwas receiving data.\n(Network Error: %s)\n\nTry connecting again. 6749 Document contains no data 6750 The disk is full. The AT&T WorldNet Service is cancelling the file\ntransfer and removing the file.\n\nPlease remove some files and try again. 6753 AT&T WorldNet Service is unable to locate your proxy server.\nThe server may be down or may be incorrectly configured.\n\nPlease verify that your Proxy preferences are correct\nand try again, or contact the server's administrator. 6754 AT&T WorldNet Service is unable to connect to your proxy server.\nThe server may be down or may be incorrectly configured.\n\nPlease verify that your Proxy preferences are correct\nand try again, or contact the server's administrator. 6755 AT&T WorldNet Service is unable to complete a socket connection \nwith this server. There may be insufficient system\nresources.\n\nTry restarting the AT&T WorldNet Browser or restarting Windows. 6757 AT&T WorldNet Service was unable to create a network socket connection.\nThere may be insufficient system resources or the network\nmay be down. (Reason: %s)\n\nTry connecting again later or try restarting the AT&T WorldNet Service Browser. You\ncan also try restarting Windows. 6758 The AT&T WorldNet Service's network connection attempt was refused by the server:\n %.200s\nThe server may not be accepting connections or\nmay be busy.\n\nTry connecting again later. 6759 There was no response. The server could be down\nor is not responding.\n\nIf you are unable to connect again later, contact\nthe server's administrator. 6760 A network error occurred:\nunable to connect to server (TCP Error: %s)\nThe server may be down or unreachable.\n\nTry connecting again later. 6764 A network error occurred while the AT&T WorldNet Service\nwas sending data.\n(Network Error: %s)\n\nTry connecting again. 6765 An error occurred sending mail:\nthe return mail address was invalid.\n\nPlease verify that your email address is correct\nin your Mail preferences and try again. 6766 An error occurred sending mail: SMTP server error.\nThe server responded:\n %s\nContact your mail administrator for assistance. 6767 An error occurred sending mail.\nThe mail server responded:\n %s\nPlease check the message and try again. 6768 SMTP Error while sending mail.\nServer responded: %s 6769 An error occurred sending mail.\nThe mail server responded:\n %s\nPlease check the message recipients and try again. 6770 An error occurred sending mail.\nThe mail server responded:\n %s\nPlease verify that your email address is correct\nin your Mail preferences and try again. 6771 An error occurred sending mail:\nThe AT&T WorldNet Service was unable to connect to the SMTP server.\nThe server may be down or may be incorrectly configured.\n\nPlease verify that your Mail preferences are correct\nand try again. 6777 The AT&T WorldNet Service is unable to open the file:\n %.200s\n\nCheck the file name and try again. 6778 The AT&T WorldNet Service is unable to open your News file (newsrc).\n\nPlease verify that your News preferences are\ncorrect and try again. 6779 The News item is unavailable. It may have expired.\n\nTry retrieving another item. 6780 The server has disconnected.\nThe server may have gone down or there may be a\nnetwork problem.\n\nTry connecting again. 6781 The AT&T WorldNet Service is unable to locate the server:\n %.200s\nThe server does not have a DNS entry.\n\nCheck the server name in the Location (URL) and \ntry again. 6782 There was no response. The server could be down\nor is not responding.\n\nIf you are unable to connect again later, contact\nthe server's administrator. 6783 An error occurred with the News server.\n\nIf you are unable to connect again, contact the\nadministrator for this server. 6784 A News error occurred: Invalid NNTP connection\n\nTry connecting again. 6785 The AT&T WorldNet Service is unable to find the file:\n %.200s\n\nCheck the file name and try again. 6786 The AT&T WorldNet Service is unable to a send port command to the FTP\nserver to establish a data connection.\n\nYou should contact the administrator for this server\nor try again later. 6787 The AT&T WorldNet Service is unable to send the change directory (cd)\ncommand, to the FTP server. You cannot view another\ndirectory.\n\nYou should contact the administrator for this server\nor try again later. 6788 The AT&T WorldNet Service is unable to set the FTP transfer mode with\nthis server. You will not be able to download files.\n\nYou should contact the administrator for this server\nor try again later. 6789 Unable to use FTP passive mode 6791 This Location (URL) is not recognized:\n %.200s\n\nCheck the Location and try again. 6793 The AT&T WorldNet Service Browser is out of memory.\n\nTry quitting some other applications or closing\nsome windows. 6794 A communications error occurred.\n (TCP Error: %s)\n\nTry connecting again. 6795 The AT&T WorldNet Service is unable to connect to the server at\nthe location you have specified. The server may\nbe down or busy.\n\nTry connecting again later. 6796 A communications error occurred.\n (TCP Error: %s)\n\nTry connecting again. 10000 yes 17004 interrupted system call 17009 Bad file number 17013 Permission denied 17022 Invalid argument 17035 Operation would block 17036 operation now in progress 17037 EALREADY 17048 Address already in use 17049 Can't assign requested address 17050 Network is down 17051 Network is unreachable 17052 Network dropped connection because of reset 17053 Connection aborted 17054 Connection reset by peer 17055 Not enough memory 17056 Socket is already connected 17057 Socket is not connected 17060 Connection timed out 17061 Connection refused 17064 Host is down 17065 No route to host 17093 Winsock is uninitialized 22001 (unrecognized) 22002 (autoselect) 22003 (default) 22004 (not found) 22010 %s image %dx%d pixels 22011 Images are %d bits deep with %d cells allocated. 22012 Images are monochrome. 22013 Images are %d bit greyscale. 22014 Images are %d bit truecolor. 22020 This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: 22031 Main Hotlist 22032 \n 22033 ---End of History List---\n 22040 Connect: Looking up host: %.256s... 22041 Connect: Contacting host: %.256s... 22042 Error: Could not make connection non-blocking. 22043 Unable to locate host %.256s. 22044 Unable to locate host %.256s. 22045 Reading file... 22046 Reading file...Error Zero Length 22047 Reading directory... 22048 Reading file...Done 22049 Reading directory...Done 22050 Receiving FTP file 22051 Receiving FTP directory 22052 Receiving data. 22053 Transferring data from %.256s 22054 Connect: Host %.256s contacted. Waiting for reply... 22055 Connect: Trying again (HTTP 0.9)... 22056 Connect: Host contacted. Waiting for reply (Gopher) 22057 Mail sent successfully 22058 News: Receiving newsgroups... 22059 News: Receiving newsgroups... 22060 News: Receiving articles... 22061 News: Receiving articles... 22062 News: Reading newsgroup list 22063 News: Reading newsgroup overview information 22064 News: Sorting articles... 22101 Unable to invoke external viewer 22102 Proxy is requiring an authentication scheme that is not supported. 22103 Out of memory error in HTTP Load routine! 22104 Unknown status reply from server: %d! 22105 Warning! Non-critical application error: NET_TotalNumberOfProcessingURLs < 0 22106 Warning! Non-critical application error: NET_TotalNumberOfOpenConnections < 0 22107 URN's not internally supported, use an HTTP proxy server: 22108 reentrant call to Interrupt window 22109 Bad message number 22110 Article number out of range 22111 Could not load mailbox 22112 The SMTP mail host has not been defined 22113 SMTP Error sending mail. Server responded: %.256s 22114 Warning: unrecognized encoding: ` 22115 Alert! did not find a converter or decoder 22116 Cannot add the result of a form submission to the hotlist 22131 are 22132 may be 22133 Authorization failed. Retry? 22134 Proxy authorization failed. Retry? 22135 Repost form data? 22136 Before viewing all newsgroups, the AT&T WorldNet Service \nsaves a copy of the newsgroup list.\n\nOn a modem or slow connection, this may take a\nfew minutes. You can choose New Window from the\nFile menu to continue browsing. Proceed? 22151 message: invalid specifier `%c'\n 22152 Implement more temp name 22153 Implement more XPStats 22160 Please enter a username for news server access 22161 Enter password for user %s: 22204
\n 22205
Perhaps the article has expired
\n 22218
22219FTP Error \nFTP Error
\nFTP Transfer failed:
\n22220Gopher Index %.256s %.256s
\nThis is a searchable Gopher index.\nUse the search function of your browser to enter search terms.\n
Gopher Search22221 CSO Search of %.256s %.256s CSO Search
\nA CSO database usually contains a phonebook or directory.\nUse the search function of your browser to enter search terms.\n22222 Missing Post reply data \nData Missing
\nThis document resulted from a POST operation and has expired from the\ncache. If you wish you can repost the form data to recreate the\ndocument by pressing the reload button.\n 22250 RSA Public Key Cryptography 22251 International 22252 This is an insecure document that is not encrypted and offers no security protection. 22253No new groups
22256 Enter username for %.200s at %.200s: 22257 Type in a Newsgroup to add to the list: 22260 This is a secure document that uses a medium-grade encryption key suited for U.S. export 22261 This is a secure document that uses a high-grade encryption key for U.S. domestic use only 22270 Bookmarks have changed on disk and are being reloaded. 22271 The address book has changed on disk and is being reloaded. 22272 Bookmarks have changed on disk. Discard your unsaved changes\nand reload? 22273 The address book has changed on disk. Discard your unsaved changes\nand reload? 22274 Error saving bookmarks file! 22275 Error saving address book file! 22276 This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: 22277 Reset 22278 Submit Query 22279No info while document is loading
\n 22280
22305 \n
22306 Personal Bookmarks 22307 \n 22308 Loading plug-in 22309 at %ld bytes/sec 22310 at %.1fK/sec 22311 at %.1fM/sec 22312 stalled 22313 %lu 22314 %luK 22315 %3.2fM 22316 %02ld:%02ld:%02ld remaining 22317 %02ld:%02ld remaining 22318 %ld sec%s remaining 22319 Version: 22320 Serial Number: 22321 Issuer: 22322 Subject: 22323 Version: %s%sSerial Number: %s%sIssuer: %s%sSubject: %s%sNot Valid Before: %s%sNot Valid After: %s%s 22324 Enter your key file password: 22335 Connect: Please enter password for host... 22336 Proxy is requiring an authentication scheme that is not supported. 22337 Proxy nonces appear to expire immediately.\nThis is either a problem in the proxy's authentication \nimplementation, or you have mistyped your password.\nDo you want to re-enter your username and password? 22338 unidentified proxy server 22339 Proxy authentication required for %.250s at %.250s: 22340 Connect: Please enter password for proxy... 22341 Bad keyword in proxy automatic configuration: %s. 22342 Try connecting to the proxy again? 22343 Try connecting to SOCKS again? 22344 Try connecting to proxy / SOCKS again? 22345 Proxy server is unavailable.\n\nTry connecting to proxy %s again? 22346 All proxy servers are unavailable.\n\nTry connecting to %s again? 22347 SOCKS is unavailable. Try connecting to SOCKS %s again? 22348 SOCKS and proxies are unavailable. Try\nconnecting to %s again? 22349 All proxies are unavailable. Do you wish to temporarily\noverride proxies by connecting directly until proxies\nare available again? 22350 SOCKS is unavailable. Do you wish to temporarily\noverride SOCKS by connecting directly until SOCKS\nare available again? 22351 Both proxies and SOCKS are unavailable. Do you wish to\ntemporarily override them by connecting directly until they\nare available again? 22352 All proxies are still down.\nContinue with direct connections? 22353 SOCKS is still down.\n\nContinue with direct connections? 22354 SOCKS and proxies are still down.\n\nContinue with direct connections? 22355 No proxy automatic configuration file was received.\n\nNo proxies will be used. 22356 The proxy automatic configuration file is empty:\n\n %s\n\nUse the configuration from the previous session instead? 22357 The proxy automatic configuration file has errors:\n\n %s\n\nUse the configuration from the previous session instead? 22358 The proxy automatic configuration file has errors:\n\n %s\n\nNo proxies will be used. 22359 The proxy automatic configuration file is not of the correct type:\n\n %s\n\nExpected the MIME type of application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig.\n\nUse the configuration from the previous session instead? 22360 The proxy automatic configuration file could not be loaded.\n\nCheck the proxy automatic configuration URL in preferences.\n\nNo proxies will be used. 22361 The proxy automatic configuration file could not be loaded.\n\nCheck the proxy automatic configuration URL in preferences.\n\nUse the configuration from the previous session instead? 22362 The backup proxy automatic configuration file had errors.\n\nNo proxies will be used. 22363 Proxy automatic configuration load was cancelled.\n\nNo proxies will be used. 22364 Warning:\n\nServer sent an unrequested proxy automatic\nconfiguration file to the AT&T WorldNet Service:\n\n %s\n\nConfiguration file will be ignored. 22365 Receiving proxy auto-configuration file... 22366 Cache cleanup: removing %d files... 22367 The database selected is valid, but cannot\nbe validated as the correct database because\nit is missing a name entry. Do you wish to\nuse this database anyways? 22368 The database selected is named:\n%.900s\nThe database requested was named:\n%.900s\nDo you wish to use this database anyways? 22369 The page currently loading has requested an external\ncache. Using a read-only external cache can improve\nnetwork file retrieval time.\n\nIf you do not have the external cache requested,\nselect "Cancel" in the file selection box. 22370 The proxy automatic configuration file is not of the correct type:\n\n %s\n\nExpected the MIME type of application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig.\n\nNo proxies will be used. 22371 Reading segment...Done 22372
22374 ">Up to higher level directory
22375 Could not login to FTP server 22376 Error: Could not make connection non-blocking. 22377 Posting file %.256s... 22378Directory of %.512s \nCurrent directory is %.512s
\n22379 %d URL's waiting for an open socket (limit %d)\n 22380 %d URL's waiting for fewer active URL's\n 22381 %d Connections Open\n 22382 %d Active URL's\n 22383 \n\nUsing previously cached copy instead 22384 Server returned no data 22385 >\nTransfer interrupted!
\n 22386 \n\nTransfer interrupted!\n 22387 Mail: Reading folder %s... 22388 Mail: Reading message... 22389 Mail: Emptying trash... 22390 Mail: Compressing folder %s... 22391 Mail: Delivering queued messages... 22392 Mail: Reading message...Done 22393 Mail: Reading folder...Done 22394 Mail: Emptying trash...Done 22395 Mail: Compressing folder...Done 22396 Mail: Delivering queued messages...Done 22397 Unknown Error 22398 Connect: News host contacted. Waiting for reply... 22399 Please enter a password for news server access 22400 Garbage collecting... 22401 No Answer 22402 The POP3 server (%s) does not\n support UIDL, which AT&T WorldNet Mail needs to implement\n the ``Leave on Server'' and ``Maximum Message Size''\n options.\n\n To download your mail, turn off these options in the\n Servers panel of the ``Mail and News'' Preferences. 22403 Receiving: message %lu of %lu 22404 The POP3 server (%s) does not\nsupport the TOP command.\n\nWithout server support for this, we cannot implement\nthe ``Maximum Message Size'' preference. This option\nhas been disabled, and messages will be downloaded\nregardless of their size. 22405 The POP3 server responded: \n%s\nPlease enter a new password. 22406 Connect: Host contacted, sending login information... 22407 Assembling message... 22408 Assembling message...Done 22409 Loading attachment... 22410 Loading attachments... 22411 Delivering mail... 22412 Delivering mail... 22413 Delivering mail...Done 22414 Delivering news... 22415 Delivering news...Done 22416 Queueing for later delivery... 22417 Writing to FCC file... 22418 Queued for later delivery. 22419 Message Composition 22420 unknown error 22421 %s %ldK bytes wasted (%ld%%) 22422 %s loaded %ld messages (%ld%%) 22423 Open Folder 22424 Open Folder... 22425 Enter the name for your new folder. 22426 Save Message As 22427 Save Messages As 22428 Get New Mail 22429 Send Mail in Outbox 22430 New Folder... 22431 Compress This Folder 22432 Compress All Folders 22433 Open News Host... 22434 Empty Trash Folder 22435 Print... 22436 Undo 22437 Redo 22438 Delete Selected Messages 22439 Delete Message 22440 Delete Folder 22441 Cancel This Message 22442 Remove News Host 22443 Subscribe 22444 Unsubscribe 22445 Select Thread 22446 Select Flagged Messages 22447 Select All 22448 Deselect All Messages 22449 Flag Message 22450 Unflag Message 22451 Again 22452 Thread Messages 22453 By Date 22454 By Sender 22455 By Subject 22456 By Message Number 22457 Unscramble (Rot13) 22458 Add from Newest Messages 22459 Add from Oldest Messages 22460 Get More Messages 22461 Get All Messages 22462 Address Book 22463 View Address Book Entry 22464 Add to Address Book 22465 New News Message 22466 Post Reply 22467 Post And Mail Reply 22468 New Mail Message 22469 Reply 22470 Reply To All 22471 Forward Selected Messages 22472 Forward 22473 Mark Selected as Read 22474 Mark as Read 22475 Mark Selected as Unread 22476 Mark as Unread 22477 Unflag All Messages 22478 Copy Selected Messages 22479 Copy 22480 Move Selected Messages 22481 Move 22482 Save Selected Messages As... 22483 Save As... 22484 Move Selected Messages To... 22485 Move This Message To... 22486 First Message 22487 Next Message 22488 Previous Message 22489 Last Message 22490 First Unread 22491 Next Unread 22492 Previous Unread 22493 Last Unread 22494 First Flagged 22495 Next Flagged 22496 Previous Flagged 22497 Last Flagged 22498 Mark Selected Threads Read 22499 Mark Thread Read 22500 Mark Newsgroup Read 22501 Show Subscribed Newsgroups 22502 Show Active Newsgroups 22503 Show All Newsgroups 22504 Check for New Groups 22505 Show All Messages 22506 Show Only Unread Messages 22507 Show All Headers 22508 Include Original Text 22509 From 22510 Reply To 22511 Mail To 22512 Mail CC 22513 Mail BCC 22514 File CC 22515 Newsgroups 22516 Followups To 22517 Subject 22518 Attachment 22519 Send Formatted Text 22520 Queue For Later Delivery 22521 Attach As Text 22522 Flag Messages 22523 Unflag Messages 22524 Ascending 22525\n \n 22528 (no headers) 22529 (unspecified) 22530 Macintosh File 22531 The directory %s does not exist. Mail will not\nwork without it.\n\nCreate it now? 22532 Save decoded file as: 22533 The file %s has been changed by some other program!\nOverwrite it? 22534 Open News Host 22535 news.announce.newusers 22536 news.newusers.questions 22537 news.answers 22538 Mail: Compressing folder %s... 22539 Mail: Compressing folder %s...Done 22540 Can't open %s. 22541 Save attachment in BinHex file as: 22542 %lu byte%s 22544 s 22545 %s of %s (%s, %s) 22546 %s of %s (%s) 22547 %s of %s 22548 %s read (%s) 22549 %s read 22551\n
\n 22526 This message exceeded the Maximum Message Size set in Preferences,\nso we have only downloaded the first few lines from the mail server.Click here to download the rest of the message.
Information about the AT&T WorldNet Service global history \nGlobal history entries
22552 %d%% 22553 %s image %dx%d pixels 22554 Couldn't find image of correct URL, size, background, etc.\nin cache:\n%s\n 22555 %d-bit pseudocolor 22556 1-bit monochrome 22557 %d-bit greyscale 22558 %d-bit RGB true color. 22559 Decoded size (bytes): 22560 %u x %u 22561 (scaled from %u x %u) 22562 Image dimensions: 22563 Color: 22564 %d colors 22565 (none) 22566 Colormap: 22567 yes, backdrop visible through transparency 22568 yes, solid color background #%02x%02x%02x 22569 no 22570 Transparency: 22571 Comment: 22572 Unknown 22573 Compressing image cache:\nremoving %s\n 22574 Add Newsgroup... 22575 Find Again 22576 Send 22577 Send Later 22578 Attach... 22579 Attachments Inline 22580 Attachments as Links 22581 Forward Quoted 22582 Are you sure you want to remove the news host %s\nand all of the newsgroups in it? 22583 All Fields 22584 The `Outbox' folder contains a message which is not\nscheduled for delivery! 22585 The `Outbox' folder contains %d messages which are not\nscheduled for delivery! 22586 \n\nThis probably means that some program other than\nAT&T WorldNet Service has added messages to this folder.\n 22587 The `Outbox' folder is special; it is only for holding\nmessages which have been deferred for later delivery. 22588 \nTherefore, you can't use it as your `Sent' folder.\n\nPlease verify that your outgoing messages destination is correct\nin your Mail & News preferences. 22589 An error occurred delivering deferred mail.\n\n%s\nContinue delivery of any remaining deferred messages ? 32769 Open a networked document\nOpen 32770 Create a new top level document viewing window 32771 Save a copy of the active document 32780 Return to previous document in history list\nBack 32781 Move forward to next document in history list\nForward 32782 Reload current document\nReload 32783 Redraw the current document 32788 Show or hide the location bar 32789 View the source of the current document 32790 Extended configuration options 32791 Modify general program configuration 32792 Use enhanced ftp processing 32793 Use enhanced news processing 32795 Interrupt the current transfer\nStop 32802 Change the mappings between viewers 32803 Reload the current document 32804 Loads images in the message 32805 Redraw the current message 32806 View the source of the current document 32807 Go to the homepage\nHome 32808 Pop up the history list\nHistory List 32810 Mail the current document 32811 Add the current document to the bookmark list\nAdd Bookmark 32812 View bookmarks list 32813 Netscape Communications Corporation home page 32814 Interesting places to start browsing 32815 Meta-index of Internet information 32817 Automatically load inlined images 32818 Should inlined images be dithered? 32819 Search for text in the current document...\nFind 32820 Repeat last find... 32834 Online version of the manual 32835 Answers to common questions 32838 Save window styles 32839 Save window position and other options 32840 Show those wonderful starter buttons 32841 Give detailed FTP file descriptions (does not work with all FTP servers) 32846 Information about the current document 32847 Show or hide the security color bar 32849 Forward 32850 Open this Link 32851 (none) 32852 Image 32853 (none) 32854 Bookmarks 32855 Add Bookmark for this Link 32856 New Window with this Link 32857 Save this Link as... 32858 Copy this Link Location 32859 Save this Image as... 32860 Copy this Image Location 32861 Open this 32862 View this 32863 Load this Image 32864 Embed 32865 (none) 32866 Save this Embed as... 32867 Activate this 32868 Copy this Embed Location 32869 Back in Frame 32870 Forward in Frame 32871 Delete the current entry 32873 Back 32874 Save this file 32875 Copy 32879 Compose a new mail message 32880 Repeat the last find operation 32882 Modify mail and news configuration 32883 Modify security and java configuration 32884 Modify networking configuration 32885 Open the address book\nAddress Book 32886 Bring up the bookmark window\nBookmarks 34001 Open a new mail folder 34003 Open the mail reading window 34004 Uh, like check for new mail and stuff 34005 Open the news reading window 34006 Uh, like get new mail and stuff 34007 Deliver any queued mail 34008 Create a new Mail Folder 34009 Remove deleted messages from folder 34010 Remove deleted messages from all folders 34011 Permanently delete all messages in Trash 34013 Print the current message\nPrint 34016 Close all windows and quit this application 34022 Move the current message to the Trash 34023 Permanently delete the selected fodler 34024 Select all messages in this thread / folder 34025 Select all marked messages in this folder 34026 Select all messages 34028 Compose a new mail message 34029 Reply to sender of message 34030 Reply to everyone in message 34031 Forward message 34032 Save message to a file 34033 Put message in inbox 34034 Put message in trash 34037 Rotate message text by 13 characters 34039 Sort folder again 34043 Go to the first unread message 34044 Show all headers or just important ones 34047 View messages hierarchically, grouping message threads together 34048 Thread messages 34049 Set the folder's sort order: ascending or descending 34050 Sort by date 34051 Sort by subject 34052 Sort by sender 34054 Show all headers when displaying a message 34055 Unscramble naughty jokes 34056 Open the bookmark window 34067 Insert clipboard contents in quoted form 34084 Send the current message now\nSend Now 34085 Attach a file to the current message\nAttach File(s) 34086 Paste the text of the original document in quoted form\nQuote Original 34087 Add a new host to the news host list 34088 Remove a host from the news list 34089 Open General Preferences 34090 Show all newsgroups that you are subscribed to 34091 Show newsgroups with unread messages 34092 Show all newsgroups on this news host 34093 Show new newgroups for this news host 34094 Send the current message later\nSend Later 34095 &Send Now Ctrl+Enter 34096 &Send Later Ctrl+Enter 34098 Show newsgroups you are subscribed to 34100 Check for new mail\nGet new mail 34101 View previous unread message\nPrevious unread 34102 View the previous message\nPrevious 34103 Go to the next unread message\nNext unread 34104 View the next message\nNext 34105 Mark thread read\nMark thread read 34106 Mark all read\nMark all read 34107 Compose new message\nNew message 34108 Reply\nReply 34109 Reply to all\nReply to all 34110 Forward message\nForward 34111 Resort\nResort 34112 Delete message\nDelete 34113 Compose a new news message 34114 Print message\nPrint 34115 Interrupt the current transfer\nStop 34116 Post new article\nPost new 34117 Reply to newsgroup\nPost reply 34118 Post new and reply\nPost and reply 34119 Show all message\nShow read 34120 Change message to be read 34121 Change message to be unread 34122 Locate text in a message header\nFind 34125 Flag the current message 34126 Unflag the current message 34134 Compose a new mail message 34135 Add a new user entry 34136 Add a new mailing list entry 34137 Get properties of the currently selected item 34138 Import a new file 34200 Post and mail reply\nPost and mail reply 34201 Quote original document\nQuote original 34202 Send message\nSend 34203 Attach file\nAttach 34300 Show all message header fields 34301 Show reply-to header 34302 Show mail-to field 34303 Show the Carbon-Copy field 34304 Show the Blind-Carbon-Copy field 34305 Show the Post-to-newsgroup field 34306 Show the Send-followups-to field 34307 Show the Subject field 34308 Show the attachments field 34312 Subscribe to an individual news group 34313 Get another group of messages 34314 Get entire list of messages 34315 Remove the selected message from the newsgroup 34316 Select all messages 34319 Forward the current message as quoted text 34322 Add the sender of this message to the address book 34323 Go to the first flagged message 34324 Go to the next flagged message 34325 Go to the previous flagged message 34329 View the source of this document 34332 Go to the first flagged message 34335 Show only messages which have not yet been read 34336 Save the embedded document 34337 Search for items that have changed since the last visit 34338 Select all items 34339 Sort the currently displayed items 34340 Make an alias to the currently selected item 34341 Add new bookmarks to the current folder 34342 Create the Bookmarks menu with the current folder and its children 34343 Insert a new bookmark entry 34344 Insert a new bookmark folder 34345 Insert a separator 34346 Goto the currently selected item 34348 Add new messages 34349 Get More Messages will get most recent messages 34350 Get More Messages will get oldest messages 34355 Mail attachments are viewed as inline objects 34356 Attahcments are presented as links 34358 Send Now 34359 Send Later 34366 Upload (send) a file to this FTP directory 57344 AT&T WorldNet Service 57345 AT&T WorldNet Service 57346 Select an object on which to get Help 57600 Create a new empty frame window 57601 Open a local document 57602 Close the current window 57603 Save the active document 57605 Change the printing options 57606 Change the printer and printing options 57607 Print the active document\nPrint 57608 Display full pages 57616 Open this document 57617 Open this document 57618 Open this document 57619 Open this document 57632 Erase the selection 57633 Erase everything 57634 Copy the selection and put it on the clipboard 57635 Cut the selection and put it on the clipboard 57636 Search for text in the current message 57637 Insert clipboard contents 57640 Repeat the last action 57641 Replace specific text with different text 57642 Select the entire document 57643 Undo the last action 57644 Redo what was undone 57665 Close all windows in the application and exit 57666 List Help topics 57667 Display instructions about how to use help 57668 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows 57669 Display help for current task or command 57680 Switch to the next window pane 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59142 59143 59392 Show or hide the toolbar 59393 Show or hide the status bar 60010 Uhhhh.... Like see the license file and stuff. 60030 ! \nThe Mozilla Team \n
\n The Mo
60031 !zilla Team \n 1995 \n |
\n |
\n Macintosh \n MS Windows X Windows Cross Platform Development Java, Mocha, Latte and Cappucino \n |
\n Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn \n Production Management |
\nAll human actions are equivalent ... and ... all are on principle doomed ... \n
Jean-Paul Sartre (Being and Nothingness, \nConclusion, sct. 2)
\n 60093 ! \n
\n \n
\n 60107 \n 60109 Good-2.01 60110 !Warning! Although this document is secure, the information you have submitted is insecure and could be observed by a third party while in transit. If you are submitting passwords, credit card 60111 numbers, or other information you would like to keep private, it would be safer for you to cancel the submission. 60120 You have requested a secure document that contains some insecure information. The insecure information will not be shown. For more information on security choose Document Information from the View menu. 60130 !Warning! You have requested an insecure document that was originally designated a secure document (the location has been redirected from a secure to an insecure document). The document 60131 and any information you send back could be observed by a third party while in transit. 60132 Somethings going on with security that I don't understand... 60140 !This is a secure document. The document is encrypted to prevent a third party from observing the information while in transit. Any information you send back (such as replying in a form) is also encrypted. 60141 ! \n \nYou can determine if a document is secure by looking at the graphic in the status area or the colorbar above the content area (blue indicates secure; grey indicates insecure). 60142 For more information about security, consult the Handbook. 60150 !This is an insecure document. The document has no protection to prevent a third party from observing the information while in transit. Any information you send back (such as replying in a form) can also be viewed. 60151 !Information that you want kept private should not be submitted in an insecure document. \n \nYou can determine if a document is secure by looking at the graphic in the status area or the colorbar above the 60152 content area (blue indicates secure; grey indicates insecure). For more information about security, consult the Handbook. 60160 You have requested a secure document. The document and any information you send back are encrypted for privacy while in transit. For more information on security choose Document Information from the View menu. 60170 You have requested an insecure document. The document and any information you send back could be observed by a third party while in transit. For more information on security choose Document Information from the View menu. \n \n 60180 !Any information you submit is insecure and could be observed by a third party while in transit. If you are submitting passwords, credit card numbers, or other information 60181 you would like to keep private, it would be safer for you to cancel the submission. 60190 !
\n \n
\n This software is subject to the license
60203 !agreement set forth in the
\n license. Please read and agree to all
\n terms before using this software.
\n Report any problems through the
\n feedback page.
\n Netscape Communications, Netscape, Netscape Navigator and the Netscape
\n Communications logo are trademarks of Netscape Communications Cor
60205 !poration.
\n |
\n Contains Java
60206 !TM software developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. \n Copyright © 1992-1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. \n \n |
\n Contains security software from RSA Data Security, Inc.
\n Copyright © 1994 RSA Data Security, Inc. All right 60208 !s reserved. \n \n%s \n \n |